Pour l’édition actuel de notre Lunch Talk on a invité Benoît Majerus. Il est enseignant-chercheur en histoire européenne à l’université du Luxembourg où il travaille depuis cinq ans sur l’histoire de la place financière. Joignez-nous pour une introduction dans ses recherches et un sandwich pour nourrir votre corps et votre esprit.
« La place du secteur financier dans la société luxembourgeoise est centrale, tant par le nombre d’emplois que par les revenus fiscaux qu’il génère. Cette centralité ne se reflète pas dans l’historiographie luxembourgeoise : celle-ci n’a encore que peu abordé le sujet et les quelques ouvrages existants ont souvent été écrits dans un contexte commémoratif. Quelles archives utiliser pour écrire une telle histoire ? Quelles temporalités caractérisent cette histoire ? Comment articuler cette histoire très localisée avec une histoire transnationale du capitalisme ? C’est à partir de ces questions que la contribution ouvrira un débat sur la nécessité ou non d’un regard historique sur les débats actuels concernant les inégalités et la justice fiscale. »
Comme toujours on vous invite de vous inscrire soit par mail citim@atm.lu soit par téléphone 400 427 31 .
Ceci est une offre gratuite.
Sandwich et boisson offerts.
Nous avons le plaisir de vous inviter à notre prochain Lunch Talk, consacré à la justice climatique, avec Fatima Ouassak.
Date : 12 juin 2024, de 12h30 à 14h
Lieu : CITIM, 136-138 rue Adolphe Fischer, L-1521 Luxembourg
Inscription : citim@astm.lu / +352 400 427 31
Déjeuner fourni par le CITIM
Dans le cadre de notre dernier hors-série Brennpunkt intitulé « Justice climatique » (https://www.brennpunkt.lu/issue/justice-climatique/), nous aimerions échanger sur les différentes perspectives de la crise climatique et, surtout, de la justice climatique.
Fatima Ouassak, autrice et militante écologiste, féministe et antiraciste, présentera un horizon des possibles : l’écologie pirate. Elle critique les limites et dangers du mouvement écologique dominant, tout en proposant une écologie pirate qui vise sérieusement la justice climatique.
Nous nous réjouissons de vous accueillir pour une discussion enrichissante et inspirante !
Passion, intricate rhythms, and awe-inspiring performances are what you might associate today with the word flamenco.
However, to truly understand the essence of this way of living, one must delve into the rich depths of its history, marked by the struggles and influences of minority communities.
Our goal is to meticulously study the multifaceted history of flamenco, from its early stages to the sold-out shows of today, with a focus on the hardships and influences of minority groups.
Expect extensive references, comparative analysis of literature, and an introduction to fundamental flamenco music concepts with practical demonstrations. By the end of this course, you will gain a comprehensive understanding of flamenco’s origins, its significance to those who have shaped it, and its continuing impact on culture and history.
We invite you to participate in this 3-part series of conference, by registering for each part individually by mail to: rocio.meza@astm.lu
Please notice that these events are for free!
Part 1
Conference “The History of Flamenco: Tracing Minority Hardships and Influences” by Giorgos Christodoulakis
Part 2
Introductory flamenco dancing course by Rosa Maria Fernandez
Part 3
Conference “The History of Flamenco: Tracing Minority Hardships and Influences” by Giorgos Christodoulakis (With short flamenco dance demonstrations by Rosa Maria Fernandez)
Passion, intricate rhythms, and awe-inspiring performances are what you might associate today with the word flamenco.
However, to truly understand the essence of this way of living, one must delve into the rich depths of its history, marked by the struggles and influences of minority communities.
Our goal is to meticulously study the multifaceted history of flamenco, from its early stages to the sold-out shows of today, with a focus on the hardships and influences of minority groups.
Expect extensive references, comparative analysis of literature, and an introduction to fundamental flamenco music concepts with practical demonstrations. By the end of this course, you will gain a comprehensive understanding of flamenco’s origins, its significance to those who have shaped it, and its continuing impact on culture and history.
We invite you to participate in this 3-part series of conference, by registering for each part individually by mail to: rocio.meza@astm.lu
Please notice that these events are for free!
Part 1
Conference “The History of Flamenco: Tracing Minority Hardships and Influences” by Giorgos Christodoulakis
Part 2
Introductory flamenco dancing course by Rosa Maria Fernandez
Part 3
Conference “The History of Flamenco: Tracing Minority Hardships and Influences” by Giorgos Christodoulakis (With short flamenco dance demonstrations by Rosa Maria Fernandez)
Passion, intricate rhythms, and awe-inspiring performances are what you might associate today with the word flamenco.
However, to truly understand the essence of this way of living, one must delve into the rich depths of its history, marked by the struggles and influences of minority communities.
Our goal is to meticulously study the multifaceted history of flamenco, from its early stages to the sold-out shows of today, with a focus on the hardships and influences of minority groups.
Expect extensive references, comparative analysis of literature, and an introduction to fundamental flamenco music concepts with practical demonstrations. By the end of this course, you will gain a comprehensive understanding of flamenco’s origins, its significance to those who have shaped it, and its continuing impact on culture and history.
We invite you to participate in this 3-part series of conference, by registering for each part individually by mail to: rocio.meza@astm.lu
Please notice that these events are for free!
Part 1
Conference “The History of Flamenco: Tracing Minority Hardships and Influences” by Giorgos Christodoulakis
Part 2
Introductory flamenco dancing course by Rosa Maria Fernandez
Part 3
Conference “The History of Flamenco: Tracing Minority Hardships and Influences” by Giorgos Christodoulakis (With short flamenco dance demonstrations by Rosa Maria Fernandez)